Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Matthew 20:26-28 "... whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave– just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."This verse was used for reflection's during today's morning assembly, following this month's theme- yeomanship (no such word by the way, it's made up). [Side note: In the past, to be a yeoman, is to be a servant.] In this world at this day and age, Man strives to succeed, to be the greatest. Don't we have countries or politicians fighting for power? Don't we have businessmen, bankers and lawyers trying to make big profits because it is a sign of success? Even in schools, and the workplace, there is some sort of competition to rise above the others. So selfish and greedy Man has become that he would fight to be the best.
Yet, it is those who are unselfish and caring that will be the greatest in heaven. It is those who puts others before oneself who will be the greatest in heaven. It is the stranger who gave you a few coins so that you can take the bus, that will be the greatest in heaven. It is the competitor willing to humble his/herself and congratulate you when you win, who is the greatest in heaven. It is the friend willing to put aside personal study time to coach you, who will be the greatest in heaven. It is the neighbour who helped you to carry a couple of bags of groceries that will be the greatest in heaven. The list goes on, but the irony is there.
Funny how we strive for the things that don't really count. Funny how we can go on a wild goose chase for the uneccesary, unimportant things, and fling what's really important out of the window. How stupid is that? I wonder why God didn't make us any smarter, to at least recognise the important stuff, stuff we need and need to want. Oh well, I s'pose I'll have to ask him when I get to heaven.
One more point that I've learnt this morning is...
If we do not learn to serve Man, then how can we expect to serve God?
Honestly, we are all the same, creations of God, children of God- a spiritual family. Is we cannot serve each other, who is of equal status (that being God's children), then how can we possibly serve God who is so much greater and that powerful? We simply can't.
Well, as I leave this reflection for you to ponder upon, I shall end of with this prayer.
Dear Lord, forgive me for my ignorance and selfish attitude. Teach me to give way to others and to humble myself. Help me to see the importance of serving others so that I can serve you. Keep my heart and mind open to you, and fill me with your love, so that this love can overflow and reach others. Thank you. In Jesus' name, Amen.